Students are encouraged to come to the counseling office before school, after school, or during their lunch for drop-in counseling or they may schedule an appointment to meet with their counselor. Parents may call or drop by the SHS counseling office to set-up an appointment.
Scappoose School District provides students and parents with online access to StudentVUE/ParentVUE, a web-based application designed to monitor the student's academic performance.
Student: Jane Doe, Class of 2020, Student ID #12345
Username: student first name, last initial, grad year
(example: janed2020)
Seniors applying to colleges, will do the following through Naviance:
Go to:
User name: Use the first part of your google account, i.e josieb2022
Password: If you don't know your password, you can click "forgot password". You will be sent a temporary pw to your gmail.
Video instructions to request a transcript for college application:
Video instructions to request a letter of recommendation:
Student_Request_Letter of Recommendation
Video instructions to match your Common App Account:
Common App Account Matching 2021
Username: student first name, last initial, grad year
(example: janed2020)
Seniors applying to colleges, will do the following through Naviance:
- Request transcripts
- Request letters of recommendations
- Match common app account
Go to:
User name: Use the first part of your google account, i.e josieb2022
Password: If you don't know your password, you can click "forgot password". You will be sent a temporary pw to your gmail.
Video instructions to request a transcript for college application:
Video instructions to request a letter of recommendation:
Student_Request_Letter of Recommendation
Video instructions to match your Common App Account:
Common App Account Matching 2021
SHS Counseling department provides targeted guidance to all SHS students to support students throughout high school and with their post-secondary plans. Guidance is done through a variety of venues including classroom and grade level guidance and through Naviance, a Career and College planning tool.
Grade Level |
Topic |
Skill |
9th Grade |
Freshman 101 |
Students learn about the basics of high school such as credits, transcripts, resources, and much more. |
10th Grade |
Strengths Explorer |
The Strengths Explorer activity assesses 10 talent themes for individuals and identifies each student's three strongest emerging talents, such as Confidence, Dependability, or Future Thinker. |
11th Grade |
Career Cluster Finder |
The Career Cluster Finder is a simple assessment match helps a student discover which career clusters may be a good match based on activities that interest him or her, personal qualities the student has and subjects the student enjoys in school. |
11th Grade |
Career Interest Profile |
The Career Interest Profiler is an online career interest assessment for students based on Holland's Interest Codes. It allows students to complete an inventory which analyzes their own interests and pairs the results with potential career matches. |
11th Grade |
Resume |
Academic and vocational organizations review resumes for seven seconds before determining whether the candidate should move to the next round of evaluation. Learn the required sections of a resume and begin to create your unique resume story in order to stand out in the crowd. Learning Objectives: 1. Discuss the purpose of a resume 2. Explore the components of a resume 3. Begin writing a resume |
11th Grade |
Interviewing with Stars |
Understanding what information to give in an interview can help you secure the job, receive the scholarship, or earn the promotion. Many interviewers ask behavioral questions to gain better insight into how you’ve problem solved or worked with others in the past. The STAR Method provides critical details that show the employer you are capable of handling the task. Learning Objectives: 1. Discuss which situations to talk about in a job interview 2. Learn how to describe our responsibility with former tasks 3. Understand how to explain past actions and their outcomes |
11th Grade |
Mock Interviews |
Being confident in an interview involves preparation. This presentation begins the moment you apply and continues until you accept the position. Learn how proper research can show enthusiasm to the interviewer while also preparing you for the questions they may ask. Learning Objectives: 1. Identify different interviewing methods 2. Determine what and how to research the company 3. Discuss best practices for before, during, and after the interview |
11th Grade |
Financial Reality Fair |
The InRoads Financial Reality Fair is a hands-on experience in which students identify their career choice and starting salaries then complete a budget sheet requiring them to live within their monthly salary while paying for basics such as housing, utilities, transportation, clothing, and food. ALL 11TH GRADERS ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND THIS ANNUAL EVENT AS PART OF THEIR GRADUATION REQUIRMENTS. |
12th Grade |
College and Career Month |
In the month of October, SHS hosts a college and career month to support students with their post secondary planning. Events that take place throughout the month include, but are not limited to: field trips, college admissions presentation, guidance for requesting transcripts in Naviance, sessions to help students with applications (college, job, etc.), career spotlights, scholarship information, financial planning, and much more. |
Forecasting is the process of selecting classes you wish to take during the next school year and beyond. It is a plan that prepares you for college, work, and your goals for the future. In order for forecasting to be successful, it is important that you understand your graduation requirements, and identify courses that will help you satisfy these requirements while preparing you for your post-high school plan.
It is the goal of the counseling department to provide each student with an acceptable class schedule each semester. The majority of schedules are created by computer placement and selection; therefore student must take great care in selecting classes and alternatives during the forecasting process.
If a scheduling error has been made, the counselor should be notified as soon as possible.
Students have until the end of the first week of each semester to initiate a class change. A student must fill out an ADD/DROP form and have parent/guardian permission. Not all requests can or will be granted.
Schedule changes based on teacher preference will not be granted unless it helps balance out class sizes.
If a scheduling error has been made, the counselor should be notified as soon as possible.
Students have until the end of the first week of each semester to initiate a class change. A student must fill out an ADD/DROP form and have parent/guardian permission. Not all requests can or will be granted.
Schedule changes based on teacher preference will not be granted unless it helps balance out class sizes.
Please schedule an appointment with your counselor to discuss credit recovery options.